Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Something New

Today is pretty much starting off completely tiring because of practice from 11:00 to around 1:00. On my walk here I realized just how much I like this band I have found a few weeks ago. There name is The National, they are a band that hails from Cincinnati, Ohio, and are an amazing indie band. I have heard them described as sounding a little like she wants revenge, but they are much more upbeat and smooth.

The National website

The National-Mistaken For Strangers

The National-Fake Empire

The National myspace

More to come later but I need to be in class right now so I will return.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Jared's blog consists of a calm, white look. He has created a graphic for the header in Photoshop. On the left are his posts, and on the right are his "About Me", "Interesting Links", "Videos", and "Recent News".

The blog appears to be a space for Jared to post whatever he is thinking about, whenever he wants. He mentions he will post up some of his own work, and some short Photoshop tutorials as well.

I think it is a successful blog. Very pleasing to the eye, and well arranged. All the white, with a somewhat light header may make it look a little too washed out for me as a whole. Perhaps some more color would help liven things up.

I believe if Jared keeps up with this blog in the way he wants to, it will become an interesting blog to visit. Having a variety of things, such as everyday writings, art, and and tutorials, makes it an interesting place for people to keep coming back to.